American Bully XL Puppy Apollo

What to name your new XL American Bully Puppy

What to Name Your XL American Bully


Are you looking to be a proud new parent of an XL American Bully puppy?
Congratulations! You’ve instantly gained a built-in best friend and loyal companion.
This designer dog breed is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and stamina, making
them a great choice for any athlete in need of a partner in crime.

But there’s one more important decision to make: What should you name your new Pup?

Tips for Naming Your XL American Bully Puppy

The thought of picking out a perfect name for your XL American Bully puppy or XL
Pitbull puppy may seem daunting. But don’t worry — we’ve got some tips and tricks
up our sleeves to help make the process easier for you.

To get started, let’s look at some of the best ways to pick out an iconic name for an even more iconic dog:

Play Off the Loyal & Loving XL American Bully Personality.

If you can, hold off on picking a name until you’ve picked your XL American
Bully puppy. Take a few days to get to know them. From here, consider your
pup’s unique personality when selecting a name.

Do they have a playful streak? Find a name to match that. Are they a sweet,
gentle giant, like most XL American Bullies? Pick a name that fits your
designer puppy’s big heart, size, and personality.

Highlight Their Strong & Striking Physical Traits.

XL American Bullies are known for their strong muscles, wide muzzles, and
adorably wrinkled faces. Suppose your XL American Bully puppy has any
striking physical characteristics like blue eyes or unique markings. In that
case, you can use these powerful traits to brainstorm names that highlight
their one-of-a-kind looks.

Of course, XL American Bully puppies can grow up to 180 pounds! For
reference, an XL Pitbull often weighs up to 60 pounds. Take their XL size into
account when choosing their name.

Honor the Unique History of the XL American Bully.

The XL American Bully is a modern, designer dog breed. They were introduced in the 1980's, while XL pitbull puppies have been around since the 1800's. Recognize your trailblazer pup with a name symbolizing their fresh, new style.

Name Them After Your Favorite Athlete, Hero, or Greek God.

Like XL Pitbull puppies, XL American Bully puppies are built to be tough, athletic, and full of love. This makes them highly trainable pups, especially when found through reputable breeders.

Give them a name fit for their XL size by calling on your favorite athletes, heroes, or Greek gods and goddesses throughout history.

Stick With a Strong One or Two-Syllable Name.

Narrow down your options by opting for a name with one to two syllables. These names will be easier for both you and your pup to remember, reinforcing their success when learning new tricks and commands.

Connect Their Name to Yours.

Whether an XL American Bully or XL Pitbull, your puppy is offically your right-hand pal. Connect their name to your identity by tying it to your career, interests, or passions. For example, if you play ball give them a winning name connected to the game! Find a way to establish your connection with your brave yet adorable new companion.

Once you find the perfect name for your designer pup, don't be afraid to use it! By consistently calling them and training with their name, your pup will learn quickly and respond accordingly. So, why not take some time to ensure that it fits their big, loving personality and looks perfectly? With these tips in mind, choosing what to call your XL American Bully puppy shouldn't be too difficult - just remember to have fun with it!

Finding an XL American Bully Puppy for Sale: XL Bullyz

Before you can find the perfect name, you must find the perfect companion. XL American Bullies are luxury designer dogs. To experience the one-of-a-kind companionship, you'll need connections to a knowledgeable, high-end breeder specializing in XL American Bullies. There are many breeders out there offering XL American Bully puppies for sale. Still, it's up to you to find the one that can best answer you questions and cater to your needs. To ensure that your puppy grows up to be well-behaved, it is essential to work with a breeder who understands how to properly handle, train, and love these dogs.

With all these factors taken into account, you can rest assured knowing that purchasing one of these beautiful dogs will give you years of loyal companionship and love. Whether you're looking for an athletic workout partner or simply a loving family member, the XL American Bully is sure to provide the perfect match for you and your lifestyle.

Get in touch with XL Bullyz today to discover top bloodlines, embark-cleared, and ABKC-registered XL American Bully puppies today.


It's fun bringing home a new bouncy and wild XL American Bully puppy but naming the little one can be a challenge. American Bully dogs like their cousin the XL pitbull are large, powerful, and beautiful, for these reasons we like to use the names Greek Gods and Goddesses. Here is a list compiled by that we used when naming our new XL American Bully Puppy.

Greek Goddess Names:

Anthea, Clio, Elpis, Atropos, Brizo, Alethea, Cybele, Doris, Pheme,
Enyo, Harmonia, Metis, Tyche, Athena,
Artemis, Aphrodite, Hestia, Iris, Penelope, Daphne, Phoebe, Chloe, Persephone, Calliope, Achelois, Hecate, Alcyone, Alectrona, Nyx, Aura, Maia, Rhea, Eos, Calypso, Irene, Xanthe, Electra, Nike, Hera, Echo, Ceto, Delia, Hebe, Selene, Bia, Gaia, Eileithyia, Circe, Astraea, Asteria, Thalia, Ianthe,


Greek God Names:

  • Zelus, Phosphorus, Triton, Typhon, Uranus, Zephyrus, Crios, Erebus,Pricus, Dionysus, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo, Zeus, Achelous. Aeolus, Atlas, Hades, Prometheus, Aether, Agathodaemon, Alastor, Boreas, Paean, Castor, Cerus, Chaos, Charon, Cronus, Dinlas,  Deimos, Eros, Priapus, Helios, Hesperus, Hypnos, Pontus, Aristaeus, Kratos, Momus, Morpheus, Thanatos, Oceanus, Pan,Nereus, Notus, Pollux, Tartarus, Plutus
  • Pallas


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